Announcements 2-25-24


EASTER EGG HUNT: We are hoping to provide the community Easter Egg hunt again this year. However, before we start to advertise this event we would like to get our volunteers in place. We are looking for people to staff the craft tables (easy crafts no art skills needed), snack table, help with bunny pictures, and hide Easter Eggs. Please let Louise know ASAP if you are available to help on March 16th from 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM.

PROGRAM OF HOPE:  Join us to make Sandwiches on Tuesday at 2:45 PM and to serve at POH on Wednesday at 8:00 AM. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.

TABLE CLOTH DINNER: Join us for the next tablecloth dinner on March 12th at 6:30 PM at Outback Steakhouse. Sign upp and let us know if you would like a ride.  

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Diapers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hair products. 

BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing. This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All books are available on the PCUSA store. Creating a Culture of Repair: Taking Action on the Road to Reparations BY Robert Turner. The inequality remains even after laws and policies have been corrected. Calculating and implementing financial reparations will require large-scale government action, which can feel out of reach or overwhelming for the average person. Robert Turner provides an accessible guide for individuals and groups wanting to influence significant institutional action while also acting on their own to repair the effects of racial injustice in our communities, churches, and spheres of influence. Dividing into categories of individual, social, institutional, and spiritual repair, Turner offers the longest list of reparations currently published, with more than one hundred actions readers can begin practicing and advocating for to help balance economic injustice, undo hurtful decisions from decades past, and rally public support for bold and principled legislation.

GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER VIGIL: We cannot experience the glory of Easter if we do not first experience the pain of Maundy Thursday, the loss of Good Friday, and the sadness of Holy Saturday. Setting aside a specific time in church to wait and pray with Jesus, to reflect on the events that led up to his death and resurrection, to speak to God and seek his guidance and listen to his heart, is essential to preparing our hearts for the Joy of Easter. To that end, we will be hosting a Prayer Vigil on Good Friday, March 29th. We hope to have an all-day vigil with at least two people in the sanctuary throughout the day. Please take a moment to consider what time you would like to come in and pray. Use the signup sheet in the Bulletin, or sheet in the Narthex, to let us know when you would like to come in and pray. If you are not ready to sign up don’t worry there will be several more chances and even if you are not able to sign up please plan to drop in on Good Friday. 

ANNUAL MEETING: Join us on March 10th during the Worship service for our annual meeting. 

SESSION MEMBERS: Class of 2024: Jeremy Moore, Sue Crawford, Briana Mayfield, Cameron Mayfield. Class of 2025: Beverly Kennedy, Andrew Nolan, Sandy Cranfill. Class of 2026: Joan Albright. Others: Louise Ochart (Staff), Kelly Cuppett (staff), Ragina Isham (Insurance/Staff Committee Volunteer), Linda Lowry (Deacon), Bill Bottomley (Treasurer)


2/26- 1:00 PM – Staff Meeting

2/27 – 2:45 PM – Sandwich-Making 

2/28 – 8:00 AM – Program of Hope

          6:30 PM – Cantata Rehearsal

2/29 –  6:00 PM – Sailboat Church Zoom Book Study Chapters 5 and 6

3/2 – Playschool Arts and Fun Fair 

3/3 -9:15 AM – Adult Sunday School 

        10:15 AM – Choir Warm-up 

        10:30 AM – Worship Service with Children’s Church 

        11:45 AM – Choir Rehearsal

BIRTHDAYS: Asher Ochart 2/25, Ernestine Price 2/28, 

Joshua Hebert 3/2, Sue Crawford 3/2

Announcements 2-18-24


PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 20th and 27th at 2:45 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.

SPECIAL THANKS: Thank you for the men’s clothing donations for Program of Hope. A special thanks to those who sorted, sized, put on hangers or folded and boxed the clothes: Sharon Fortin, Mary Antill, Amy Cardinale, Barbara Remmelts, Sue Crawford. Thank you to the sandwich makers: Mary Antill, Janet Capiton, Carolyn Calvin, Lorraine Hicks, and Sue Crawford. Thank you to those who worked at First Presbyterian Church for the Program of Hope:Rev. Aaron Ochart, Richard Britson, Sue Crawford, and three volunteers from Little Farms UCC.

BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing.This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All book are available on the PCUSA store. Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet by Gregory C. Ellison II Howard Thurman was famously known as one of the towering giants of American religion in the twentieth century. His writings have influenced some of the most important religious and political figures of the last century, from Martin Luther King to Barack Obama. Theologians such as James Cone and Cornel West regularly signal their indebtedness to him. He was a mystic, a preacher, an educator, a theologian, and much more. It is impossible to understand the African American church today without an appreciation for his contributions.

Anchored in the Current illuminates how Thurman’s life and wisdom lead these influential names on the ancient quest to connect with the Ultimate, all while discovering the contemporary need to seek racial justice and sharpening the minds and faith of those who come after us. 

TABLE CLOTH DINNER: Join us for the next table cloth dinner on March 12th at 6:30 PM. More information to follow. Sign-up and let us know if you would like a ride  

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Dippers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, tooth Brushes, tooth paste, soap, and hair products. 

BIRTHDAYS: Barbara Rammelts 2/21, David Boan 2/22, Richard Bristson 2/24

Announcements 2-1-24


SOUPER BOWL OF CARING: If you missed giving to this wonderful ministry last week, which helps fund our food bank, we are still happy to accept your donations any time. 

PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 12th, 20th and 27th at 2:45 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.

BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing.This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All book are available on the PCUSA store.  Getting to the Promised Land: Black America and the Unfinished Work of the Civil Rights Movement by Kevin W. Cosby Too often, all oppressed people in America are lumped together under the moniker “people of color,” as if each group’s experience under the yoke of systemic racism has the same economic and social repercussions. But the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) hold a unique claim to economic and reparative justice: for ADOS, after all, is the only group whose ancestors were forcibly brought to America, enslaved, built much of the wealth of the country, yet continue to be specifically excluded from the same social, political, and economic rights of other Americans. To that end, Rev. Dr. Kevin W. Cosby lays out the first theology of the ADOS movement, turning the traditional lens of Black liberation theology from Moses leading escaped Hebrew slaves in Exodus to other biblical leaders like Solomon, Daniel, and Nehemiah.

In the stories of Nehemiah and other biblical leaders, Cosby finds inspiration on how to rebuild Black America including the necessity of government reparations for ADOS. Cosby calls all Americans to move from a place of relative nonengagement and detachment to a place of active support of ADOS’s efforts for justice and healing.  

TABLE CLOTH DINNER: Join us for the next table cloth dinner on March 12th at 6:30 PM. More information to follow. Sign-up and let us know if you would like a ride 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Dippers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, toothbrushes, tooth paste, soap, and hair products. 

FLOWERS: The flowers today were donated by the Mayfields in celebration of Cameron’s Birthday. 

Announcement 2-4-24


SOUPER BOWL OF CARING: This week we are collecting for the Super Bowl of caring. This money will go to our own food pantry. We have been blessed to serve many people in our community through our food pantry, gas cards, and grocery cards. Please consider giving generously to this wonderful mission. 

PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 6th, 12th, 20th and 27th at 2:45 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.

BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing.This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All book are available on the PCUSA store.   No Innocent Bystanders: Becoming an Ally in the Struggle for Justice by Shannon Craigo-Snell and Christopher J. Doucot The struggle for justice is ongoing. In answering the biblical call to act justly and love mercifully, can Christians cross lines of privilege to walk humbly not only with God but with their marginalized neighbors as well? No Innocent Bystanders looks at the role of allies in social justice movements and asks what works, what doesn’t, and why. It explains what allies legitimately can accomplish, what they can’t, and what kind of humility and clarity is required to tell the difference.

This book is a start-up guide for spiritual or religious people who are interested in working for social justice but don’t know how or where to begin. Drawing on the lessons of history, the framework of Christian ideas, and the insights of contemporary activists, it offers practical guidance on how to meaningfully and mindfully advocate alongside all who struggle for a more just society.

CANTATA REHEARSALS: Join us Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM starting February 7th (no rehearsal on Ash Wednesday). The Cantata will be on March 24th at the 10:30 Worship Service with a dress rehearsal on March 23rd. Music reading not required; learning tracks will be provided.

THANK YOU: The PW wishes to express their appreciation to the Session for all the hard work they do to keep the church running. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Dippers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, tooth Brushes, tooth paste, soap, and hair products. If you prefer to donate a small amount of money just mark it for the food pantry and we will shop for you.

Announcements 1-28-24


CLOTHING DRIVE: We are doing a clothing drive for Program of Hope. We are looking only for these specific items: men’s t-shirts and sweatshirts size XL or larger, men’s pants, and men’s shoes. We will be collecting clothing until Jan 31st when we will have a sorting party. 

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: We will have a congregational meeting on February 4th to elect new Elders.

PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 6th, 12th, 20th and 27th at 2:00 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.

DEVOTIONALS FOR LENT AND EASTER: Get yourself ready for Lent by ordering your devotional now. Here is this week’s suggestion: Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms by Elizabeth F. Caldwell. The season of Lent encourages Christians to consider a different pace—one of slowing down, noticing, pausing—than what our dominant culture values. The invitation to pause with the Psalms begins on Ash Wednesday, starting with a mark of ashes on our foreheads that reminds us that in spite of our failures—things we have done or failed to do—we belong to God. Readers are then guided into an exploration of Psalm 51 and the theme of a clean heart. Each chapter helps readers to connect an image drawn from that psalm, such as paths, faces, blessing, tables, waiting, thanksgiving, listening, being alone or abandoned, and hands, with their own lives. At the close of each chapter, readers are invited to try a different prayer practice to help them continue to reflect on the theme and psalm each day. This intentional engagement—without feeling burdensome—opens just enough space and time for a creative spiritual practice to flourish, sustaining the life of faith during the Lenten season in ways that can make a difference in God’s world.

CANTATA REHEARSALS COMING SOON: Would you like to be a part of the choir for a short time frame? Join the Palm Sunday Cantata Choir! Join us Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM starting February 7th (no rehearsal on Ash Wednesday). The Cantata will be on March 24th at the 10:30 Worship Service with a dress rehearsal on March 23rd. Music reading not required; learning tracks will be provided.

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry each week. This month we are asking for Proteins including canned chicken, tuna, SpaghettiOs pasta, pasta sauce, and soups. If you prefer to donate a small amount of money just mark it for the food pantry and we will shop for you.

Announcements 1-21-14


CLOTHING DRIVE: We are doing a clothing drive for Program of Hope. We are looking only for these specific items: men’s t-shirts and sweatshirts size XL or larger, men’s pants, and men’s shoes. We will be collecting clothing until Jan 31st when we will have a sorting party. 

PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 6th, 12th, 20th and 27th at 2:00 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.

PROJECT REGENERATION: The session and Deacons will be engaging in a discussion with the Presbyterian Foundation using the book ‘Sailboat Church.’ If you are interested in this discussion or would like to read along with us, please let Aaron know. The first meeting will be on January 23rd.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: We will have a congregational meeting on February 4th to elect new Elders.

DEVOTIONALS FOR LENT AND EASTER: Get yourself ready for Lent by ordering your devotional now. Here is this week’s suggestion: Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms by Elizabeth F. Caldwell. The season of Lent encourages Christians to consider a different pace—one of slowing down, noticing, pausing—than what our dominant culture values. The invitation to pause with the Psalms begins on Ash Wednesday, starting with a mark of ashes on our foreheads that reminds us that in spite of our failures—things we have done or failed to do—we belong to God. Readers are then guided into an exploration of Psalm 51 and the theme of a clean heart. Each chapter helps readers to connect an image drawn from that psalm, such as paths, faces, blessing, tables, waiting, thanksgiving, listening, being alone or abandoned, and hands, with their own lives. At the close of each chapter, readers are invited to try a different prayer practice to help them continue to reflect on the theme and psalm each day. This intentional engagement—without feeling burdensome—opens just enough space and time for a creative spiritual practice to flourish, sustaining the life of faith during the Lenten season in ways that can make a difference in God’s world.

CANTATA REHEARSALS COMING SOON: Would you like to be a part of the choir but can’t committee long term. Then joining us for the Palm Sunday Cantata is the perfect solution. Join us Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM starting February 7th. There will not be a rehearsal on Ash Wednesday. The Cantata will be on March 24th at the 10:30 Worship Service with a dress rehearsal on March 23rd. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry each week. This month we are asking for Proteins including canned chicken, tuna, SpaghettiOs pasta, pasta sauce, and soups. If you prefer to donate a small amount of money just mark it for the food pantry and we will shop for you.


1/22 – 9:00 AM – Bible Time for 3’s in their classroom 

          1:00 PM – Staff Meeting 

1/23 – 9:30 AM – Bible Time 4’s and 5’s 

1/25 – 10:00 AM – Game Day 

1/28 – 9:15 AM – Adult Sunday School 

          9:30 AM – Youth Fellowship time 

         10:15 AM – Choir Warm-up 

         10:30 AM – Worship Service with offering for Evergreen 

  • Children’s Church 

          11:45 AM – Choir Rehearsal 

Announcements 1-14-24


ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: Join us on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM for Adult Sunday School. Relationships are often difficult; and so is forgiveness. How do we deal with broken relationships? How can we forgive? As we explore the story of the prodigal son, we will explore the Bible’s advice on healing broken relationships.

PROJECT REGENERATION: The session and Deacons will be engaging in a discussion with the Presbyterian Foundation using the book ‘Sailboat Church.’ If you are interested in this discussion or would like to read along with us, please let Aaron know.  

PLAYSCHOOL FUNDRAISER: It’s time for the playschool Little Caesar Fundraiser. Grab a brochure from the table in the narthex, with instructions. Then order some delicious treats. 

CHOIR RETURNS: The choir starts weekly rehearsals again today! Join us after the service until 1 pm for rehearsal. The choir will return to services on January 28th. 

DEVOTIONALS FOR LENT AND EASTER: Get yourself ready for Lent by ordering your devotional now. Here is this week’s suggestion: Lent of Liberation: Confronting the Legacy of American Slavery by Cheri L. Mills. This Lenten devotional invites readers to learn more about the brutal institution of slavery and its impact on Black people in America and recognize how its evolution and legacy continue to harm their descendants in the United States today. Each of the forty devotions includes the testimony of a person who escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad, a Scripture passage, and a reflection connecting biblical and historical themes to challenge modern readers to work for liberation. Reflecting on Lenten themes of exodus, redemption, discipline, and repentance, readers, both Black and White, will be empowered for the work of racial justice.

CLOTHING DRIVE: We are doing a clothing drive for Program of Hope. We are looking only for these specific items: men’s t-shirts and sweatshirts size XL or larger, men’s pants, and men’s shoes. We will be collecting clothing until Jan 31st when we will have a sorting party. 

ZOOM BOOK STUDY: We plan on continuing the weekly Zoom book studies after the new year. Please fill out the form in the bulletin to let us know your preferences for the start date and book to study. The study will remain on Thursdays from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.


1/15 – Office closed for Martin Lurther King Jr. Birthday 

6:30 PM – Session Meeting 

1/16 – 10:00 AM – Grace Circle Meeting 

1/17 – 12:15 – Playschool Committee Meeting 

1/21 – 9:15 AM – Adult Sunday School Messy People / Youth Fellowship Time 

         10:30 AM – Worship 

         11:45 AM – Choir Rehearsal 

Announcements 12-31-23


ZOOM BOOK STUDY: We plan on continuing the weekly Zoom book studies after the new year. Please fill out the form in the bulletin to let us know your preferences for the start date and book to study. The study will remain on Thursdays from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. 

DEVOTIONALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: Start the new year off right, now is a great time to order your devotional for 2024. Here is this week’s suggestion: Seeking Aliveness: Daily Reflections on a New Way to Experience and Practice the Christian Faith By Brian McLaren “The quest for aliveness is the heartbeat that pulses through the Bible . . . It’s why we gather, celebrate, eat, abstain, attend, practice, sing, and contemplate.”

Based on his book We Make The Road By Walking, Brian D. McLaren presents a 52-week devotional to inspire and activate you in your spiritual journey. If you’re a seeker exploring Christianity, if you’re a long-term believer feeling downtrodden, if your faith seems to be a lot of talk without much practice, here you’ll find a reorientation from a fresh and healthy perspective.

Brian D. McLaren shows everything you need to explore what a difference an honest, living, growing faith can make in your life and in our world today. Through 52 weeks of thoughtful readings, SEEKING ALIVENESS gives an overview of the message of the whole Bible and guides you through a rich study of interactive learning and personal growth.

PLAYSCHOOL FUNDRAISER: It’s time for the playschool Little Caesar Fundraiser. Grab a brochure from the table in the narthex, with instructions. Then order some delicious treats and support the playschool at the same time. 

Announcements 12-24-23


CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING: God has blessed the Church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering addresses the support needed by some of our leaders, including supporting leadership development for communities of color and providing support for Presbyterian church workers in their time of need. Please use the envelopes provided for your donation. 

ZOOM BOOK STUDY: We plan on continuing the weekly Zoom book studies after the new year. Please fill out the form in the bulletin to let us know your preferences for the start date and book to study. The study will remain on Thursdays from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. 

DEVOTIONALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: Start the new year off right, now is a great time to order your devotional for 2024. Here is this week’s suggestion: On Earth as in Heaven: Daily Wisdom for Twenty-First Century Christians By N. T. Wright Modern pastors and their flocks have long considered N. T. Wright a role model for being a thoughtful Christian in today’s world. His bestselling books, including Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope, Simply Jesus, and After You Believe, have guided Christians in their belief and practice of the faith. Now, Christians can rely on his wisdom to guide them through each day of their lives with this thoughtful book of daily meditations, featuring short selections from his classic works. With reflections on themes such as faith, mission, character, and God’s work in the world, these daily meditations will invigorate and uplift Christians in their search to live their faith authentically and biblically in today’s world.

BIRTHDAYS: Nancy Lauland 12/25, Margaret Corcoran 12/29


OFFICE HOURS: The Office will be closed Dec. 25th and 26th and Jan 1st – 6th Due to the Holidays and the Ocharts travel plans. 


CHURCH AUCTION UPDATE!! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Auction, we raised around $1200. 

Announcements 12-17-23


CHURCH AUCTION!! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Auction, we raised around $900. 

CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING: God has blessed the Church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering addresses the support needed by some of our leaders, including supporting leadership development for communities of color, and providing support for Presbyterian church workers in their time of need. Please use the envelops provided for your donation. 

CAROLS IN THE COURTYARD: Join us in the courtyard to sing carols and enjoy your beverage of choice. This is a BYOB event, wine and beer, or any non alcoholic beverage you choose. 

ZOOM BOOK STUDY CONTINUES: We plan on continuing the weekly zoom book studies after the new year. Please fill out the form in the bulletin to let us know your preferences for start date and book to study. The study will remain on Thursdays from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. 

DEVOTIONALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: Start the new year off right, now is a great time to order your devotional for 2024. Here is this week’s suggestion:The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions About God and Science by Louie Giglio (Author), Tama Fortner Nicola Anderson (Illustrator) Well-known for his powerful and highly visual messages about science and the Bible, Louie Giglio has a passion for inspiring kids to notice, enjoy, and marvel at God’s creation. In The Wonder of Creation, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:animals, space, people, Earth, and much, much more!

With engaging illustrations and striking photography, this fun and informative book is ideal for children ages 6–10. Each of the 100 devotions features a scientific fact or an easy activity for exploring faith, a short Bible verse, and a closing prayer. As kids explore this awe-inspiring devotional, they’ll be amazed at the many wonders God has made!


12/18 – 1:00 PM – Staff Meeting 

12/19 – Office will open late 10:30AM 

12:21 – 6:00 PM – Advent Bible Study 

7:00 PM – Carols in the Courtyard 

12/24 – 10:30 AM Ugly Christmas sweater Caroling 

6:00 PM – Christmas Eve Service